By submitting your entry, you have agreed to enter into The Beauty Awards 2023 programme and confirmed you have the authority to do so.

You will be invoiced within one week of submission for £215.00 for each product entered.

You must provide six full-sized samples of each product that you enter. These samples will be evaluated and tested by our expert judges and photographed for Beauty Magazine. Please send product samples to: FAO: Al D’Mello, The Beauty Awards 2023, Wested Logistics Limited, Unit 14 Ebbsfleet Business Park, Stonebridge Road, Northfleet, Kent DA11 9DZ T: 01474 361615 E:

If your product makes the Shortlist, you will be invoiced for £2448.00. This covers:

  • Inclusion of product image and details in The Beauty Awards 2023 Digital Shortlist Showcase
  • Inclusion of product image and details on The Beauty Awards 2023 voting site, hosted at,
  • 2 all-inclusive tickets for the Awards Ceremony and gala dinner on 27thNovember 2023
  • Use of the official Shortlisted logo (only in association with the shortlisted product)

We also require a minimum of 250 full-sized product samples for inclusion in our infamous Goody Bags, gifted to all attendees of the Awards Ceremony. Delivery details to be confirmed at a later date.

If your product wins a category, you will be invoiced for £930.00 in November 2023. If your product is Highly Commended, you will be invoiced for £765.00 in November 2023. This covers:

  • Inclusion of product image and details in The Beauty Awards 2023 Winners Showcase brochure
  • Inclusion of Winner / Highly Commended product image and details for 1 year at,
  • Use of the official Winners / Highly Commended logo (only in association with the Winning / Highly Commended product)

You agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the official The Beauty Awards 2023 logo(s) and understand that you are not being given permission to use these or the Beauty Magazine logo independently. To use the official logo outside of the parameters stated, you must request express permission from The Beauty Awards directly.

For more information about The Beauty Awards 2023 or if you have any queries about your entry, email

By submitting your entry, you have agreed to enter into The Beauty Awards 2023 programme and confirmed you have the authority to do so.

Only one product and category can be submitted per entry. If you would like to enter multiple products or multiple categories, please do so one entry at a time.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

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